A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Jen WR

    Swimming, all the swimming. And Kristin Armstrong!

  2. ss76


  3. Jeff Tignor

    Every event that I can!

  4. Ivan P.

    Ironically, I did watch the bronze medal match for ping pong, (or Table tennis you will) tonight.

  5. CPM

    Track and Field!

  6. Javier B.

    Swimmimg / archery / basketball, and some other as well…

  7. Michael C

    Swimming and whitewater!

  8. Travis Warner

    Love the swimming, but strangely intrigued by the weightlifting. Great site, DCR!!

  9. Chris H.


  10. David

    Lots of swimming!

  11. Nick F

    Womens road rac

  12. Edgar


  13. Brian S

    Women’s Gymnastics – Go USA!!!

  14. Andy

    Beach volleyball. GO USA!!!!

  15. Mike S

    Watching it all. Love the swimming events.

  16. Sam Calma

    Been watching swimming and beach volleybal! Swimming just rocks right now.

  17. Chris


  18. Luca

    I’m watching every sports they are showing on tv…

  19. Iain

    I’m an Olympics fan – if it’s on I’m watching it – from cycling and swimming to ping pong!

  20. Chris Capoccia


  21. Ken - Swimnbike

    I have been watching everything under the sun, but predominantly watching the swimming.
    Wow the olympics are really great!!

    Go TEAMNL – orange dutchies!


  22. Bryan Alsdorf

    I want to break all the odds and make everyone hate me by winning another Kickr from you. I’ve been watching every sport because I have newborn twins and haven’t been sleeping.

  23. Torsten


  24. Doug Felts

    I loved watching Kristin Armstrong winning the Time Trial!

  25. hakkinen


  26. Alexander

    Ummmm, I haven’t watched any yet… But cycling track events and catching up on the road race antics

  27. Noah

    swimming , how not ?

  28. Ivaylo Kostadiniv

    I don’t have time, but I am planning to watch athletics, runnings.

  29. Hubert

    watching all the bike-Events.

  30. Eric W

    Swimming and soccer!

  31. Viliam

    Beach volleyball for all the reasons…

  32. Pierre

    I’ve been enjoying the skills of the field hockey players.

  33. Asriwadi


  34. John Macdonald


  35. Renat

    Road cycling and waiting for start of track and field

  36. A bit of swimming, but not nearly enough of the “second tier” sports.

  37. Kelly

    Swimming and cycling.

  38. Simon Tan


  39. Rick Lindquist

    Mostly swimming and bike crashing highlights, online the day after it happens

  40. Patrick

    Been watching the time trial race, great win by Kristin & Fabian!

  41. Ernie

    Swimmming! Go Penny Oleksiak!

  42. Hannah

    Being from the uk the track cycling is where it’s at for me but also the rowing and I can’t wait for the Brownlee brothers in the triathlon too!

  43. Gary F

    Swimming,gymnastics and cycling.

  44. Jim Gutherson

    So many – Swimming, water polo, field hockey, archery, rowing, road cycling and time trials, track cycling, basketball, volleyball – beach and indoor, judo, 3 day equestrian, dressage, canoeing, sailing, shooting, fencing, football, rugby, table tennis, gymnastics, badminton…

    Having access to online coverage is amazing.

  45. Dan

    Ping pong and cycling FTW!

  46. Mark S

    Rugby Sevens, Swimming, and TT

  47. Alex

    Anything with bikes in it…

  48. Adam

    Whatever is on at the time.

  49. Darius Kulikauskas

    Basketball. Go Lithuania!

    • Chris Jmio

      Watching Beach Volleyball and Swimming…but waiting patiently for Triathlon next week. Just like your Sunnto Spartan review…waiting patiently…

  50. Knut S


  51. Dufton Lewis

    Watched the road races and the great swimming by the Canadian women. Waiting patiently for Sagan in the MTB race.

  52. Paul R. Pival

    Swimming and cycling, of course

  53. Toyette

    Swimming and more swimming!

  54. telephone

    Eventually 10,000 m and Marathon.

  55. Steffen


  56. Dom

    Rugby Sevens, Cycling and obviously Micheal Phelps!

  57. Jamie

    Swimming, cycling, whatever CBC is showing.

  58. FJ

    All the cycling events

  59. JonD

    Gymnastics … It’s all they seem to show in the US
    But track cycling is all recorded safe and sound at home

  60. I’d LOVE a Kickr so I can ride Zwift during the long Colorado Mountain winters! I’ve been watch Swimming, Gymnastics (men and women) and some beach volleyball. Probably pretty much what everyone else has been seeing.

  61. Sal K

    Cycling of course, but now, swimming!

  62. Allan

    Swimming and cycling!

  63. Arif Lukito

    Basketball, Marathon

  64. Cory Kawa

    I have only managed to catch some of the green water diving so far.

  65. Chris Misker

    I watched the cycling of course!

  66. Steve


  67. Ben Mullin

    Honestly haven’t watched a thing yet. Hoping I can watch some track and field and maybe some mountain biking.

    ps. I’m sitting on a busted clavicle right now (well not on it) so a trainer would be a great thing for me right now.

  68. Peter Den Heijer

    Swimming and everything that’s on TV about the Olympics

  69. going to watch the handball games, but to be honest: I will watch whatever the broadcasters put on air..

  70. Some swimming, some diving, some cycling – mostly the “this was day X” overviews. Can’t wait for triathlon and marathon!

  71. Bill Gay


  72. Nir

    Team pursuit

  73. gfl

    road and tt cycling, team pursuit.

  74. JimH23


  75. Jacob Coltman

    track cycling and basically any event that is on when the tv is on

  76. Andreas


  77. Francesco

    I’m not watching any Olympic event but… I need a trainer!

  78. Adam

    Everything. My boss isn’t impressed.

  79. Mathieu D.

    Watched swimming, judo, fencing, cycling… and many others!

  80. Michael Paxton

    Gymnastics and swimming!

  81. John Friesen

    Mostly watching swimming but looking forward to the running events

  82. Simon rimdal


  83. Johan

    I’ve mainly watched the road cycling events. I love the route they’ve set out. Made for heroic finals with dramatic crashes in the decent.

  84. Frank

    Mostly been watching the swimming.

  85. Jason

    Track cycling and basketball

  86. Simon Overton

    The heart break and the agony… Aussie cycling crashing out on road race, injuries on the velodrome or bike failure in the tt, not a lucky Olympics for Australia….

  87. Scott Vickers

    I can’t wait to watch the marathons.

  88. Stash

    Judo, judo, judo, judo

  89. Benjamin Dodge

    Swimming, cycling, gymnastics!

  90. Cameron Halkier

    Anything and everything on the water….

  91. Andras Beck

    Women’s medley, where Katinka Hosszú won! :)

  92. SarahL

    Cycling, and gymnastics!

  93. Bob Lew


  94. Hubert Lin

    swimming, cycling, gymnastics and everything in between

  95. Ernesto

    Swimming of course! Cycling has been great too.

  96. Anders

    I saw the mighty Spartacus winning road TT olympic gold medal. Still best moment from Rio so far.

  97. Mihai Tintea

    Swimming Men’s 200m individual medley