Wanted: Half Marathon Race in next 60 days

I’ve been contemplating for a while now to try and qualify for the New York Marathon next year based on a half-marathon time (the whole lottery thing this year didn’t work out too well for me).  For my age group, this would be a 6:20/mile pace (1:23:00 total time).  Last Sunday’s Army 10-miler was 6:40/mile – but in 80* heat with very high humidity.  Certainly that warm humid thing played into it.  I think with cooler weather and a few more weeks I can drop that by 20 seconds a mile.  It will take some pain; but no pain – no gain*.  My 10K time two weeks ago was 6:29/mile (after doing a swim/bike during an OlyTri).  I figure that a 10-miler time has to be in the same ballpark as a half-mary time – at that point everything has stabilized from a pace perspective and it’s only another 19-20 minutes, which would be more nutrition/aerobic focused that legs (since my legs will be doing the distance on Oct 28 in a full marathon).

I’d assume that a November/December half-marathon would be less than 80*.  If not – I’m moving to Alaska.  Having been to Alaska, I really like it there, well the scenery anyway’s – some of the people are sorta odd ducks.

The next/last race of the ‘race year’ I have is the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October, so anything after that is fair game.  I’m going to do a fun little Jingle Bell 10K on Dec 9th here in DC – just for fun, and to cleanly try and break the 40:00 10K barrier (damn you 12 seconds last time).  At some point I need to get in about a two week ‘cool down/rest’ before the end of the calendar year.  I’ve been training constantly and consistently since Christmas of last year.

Oh…anyway’s – back to the point of my post.  Suggestions for a half-mary before the end of the year – without flying anywhere I wouldn’t otherwise be traveling to.  Drives up to 5 or so hours would be fine. Has to be after Nov 2nd (7 days post-Marathon).  Can’t be on Turkey day weekend unless it’s somewhere within 60 minutes of Waterbury, Connecticut (where I’m spending Thanksgiving). Something of scale is preferable – I tend to thrive/enjoy a bit on all of the energy.

Options I’ve found, which after extensive Googling isn’t many:

Nov 9th – Outer Banks Half-Marathon/Marathon (5 hours away)
Nov 18th – Philly Half-Marathon/Marathon (3 hours away)

From a recovery and drive standpoint, the Philly Half seems to be the best option – but maybe all you folks have some other alternatives or suggestions.  I have heard from a friend that the Philly course is flat and fast – so that would be positive.

Of course, I could just simply sit back, relax and prepare for Turkeydom.  And deal with the qualifying time between now and June.  Which is appealing…


*Yes, I know that’s not entirely true…base is key..blah.blah.blah.


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  1. that’s freaky fast!

    find a half-mary and Q!!

  2. Hey, did you find anything in DC during October? i found your blog cause I’m trying to find one, but haven’t had luck so far. :(

    Good luck in your training!

  3. I ended up doing the Philly half in mid/late November.

    However, for October – I’d highly suggest the Baltimore Half. It’s a great race paired with not only a full mary, but also some smaller races as well. Very well supported. I did it two years ago and had a blast.

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