Past Header Images

Starting this past April, roughly every week I’ll be changing out the header image on my blog to reflect something that happened in the past week – either in training or just in general in my life.  Here’s a quick and easy way to see all the random stuff I’ve featured.  I’ll try and update this once a month.

December 2009:

Week 1: Mountain Biking at Wakefield Park
Week 2: Lincoln, NE work trip…in a blizzard
Week 3: Skiing at Snowshoe, WV

Dec6MountainBikeWithText Dec9NebraskaWithText Dec19SnowShoeWithText

November 2009:

Week 1: Cameron Run – Training Run
Week 2: Ironman Florida Swim Practice
Week 3: Isla Guadalupe Great White Shark Diving Trip (see travel section above)
Week 4: Mountain Biking at Wakefield Park
Week 5: Thanksgiving Turkey Cupcakes

Nov1st-CameronRunWithText Nov6-IMFLTrainingSwimWithText Nov17IslaGuadalupeSharkWithTextA Nov22ndMtnBikeWithText Nov26ThanksGivingDayText

October 2009:

Week 1: Army 10 Miler – Washington DC
Week 2: Middle of nowhere Maryland – 120 Mile Training Ride
Week 3: Long brick, end of run
Week 4: Longhorn 70.3 Triathlon – Austin, TX

Oct4Army10MilerWithText Oct10NationalRefugeWithText2 Oct17LongBrickWithText Oct25LongHornWithTextv2

September 2009:

Week 1: Alexandria Old Town Pool – last outdoor swim of the season
Week 2: Nation’s Triathlon 2009
Week 3: Middle of nowhere Maryland – 120 mile long ride
Week 4: Chesapeake Man Triathlon

Sept7OldTownSwimWithText Sept13NationsTriFinishNoText Sept19-LongAssRide2WithText Sept27CM-StartLineWithTextB

August 2009:

Week 1: Luray/Skyline Drive Training Ride – 50 miles
Week 2: Luray/Skyline Drive Training Ride – 80 miles
Week 3: Appalachian Trail near Skyline Drive
Week 4: Ironman Canada Peach, start/end of Ironman Canada
Week 5: Finishers medal – Ironman Canada 2009

Aug1LuraySkylineBikeWithTextAug8LurayBikeRideWithText Aug16AppTrailnoText2WithText Aug28IMCPeachPanoWithText Aug30IMC2009FinishersMedalWithText

July 2009:

Week 1: Skyline Drive 102 mile bike ride
Week 2: George Mason University Competition Pool swim workout
Week 3: Ironman Rhode Island 70.3 race
Week 4: Skyline Drive 105 mile bike ride

June28SkylineBigMeadowsWithTextJul3GMUPoolWithText Jul12IMRISwimWithTextt Jul25SkylineDrive3WithTextt

June 2009:

Week 1: Serengeti in Tanzania (Africa) – work trip
Week 2: Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park bike ride
Week 3: Track Technique Session – Alexandria, VA
Week 4: Washington DC US Dextro ITU World Championship

TanzaniaHeadeWithTextJune8SkylineFogWithText June12TrackTechniqueSessionWithTextJune21ITUwithText

May 2009:

Week 1: Whistler, BC ski trip
Week 2: Kinetic Sprint Tri – Lake Anna, VA
Week 3: Honolulu, HI Open water swim – work trip
Week 4: Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park bike ride
Week 5: Rome, Italy – work trip and tempo run


April 2009:

Week 1: Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in Washington DC
Week 2: Escape from Ft. Desoto Triathlon in Tampa, FL
Week 3: Boston Marathon
Week 4: Las Vegas Training Ride – work trip



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  1. Rainmaker,

    I truly enjoy reading your Blog. It helps to provide me with some additional motivation.

    Out of curiosity, what line of work are you in? I see it takes you on some regular travels.

  2. Hi Jake!

    I work in IT, designing enterprise computer systems for large organizations. I travel a fair bit domestically, and also in waves internationally. I also do a bit of speaking at conferences and events, which add to the travel schedule.

    Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the comments!

  3. I’ve been following your blog now for about two weeks and love it. I love seeing somebody blog about the whole spectrum of triathlons espcially the technology side of things. I love these pictures too, I’m a fellow photographer and love seeing the different images you’ve composed of the sport. Thanks


  4. James

    I love your blog. Just spent the last hour scrolling back page by page to get to the last page! HA. I hope you see this comment :)