Tag Archives: Samsung Galaxy Watch

Testing Out Samsung’s New 4-Minute Cycling FTP Magician

 Last week Samsung touted a pretty bold claim in the middle of their keynote for their newest smartwatch: They could determine your cycling FTP (functional threshold power, the max power you can maintain for roughly an hour). To do … Read More Here

Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Sports & Fitness Video Review Posted

This is a super quick post for folks waiting on the Samsung Galaxy Watch4 In-Depth review, to note that the video review is now up and available! I’ll have the written review out shortly, but this gets you a head … Read More Here

Samsung Outlines Galaxy Watch4: First New Google WearOS Watch–Full Details

Today, Samsung announced their Galaxy Watch 4, which is the first watch to utilize the new Google + Samsung variant of Wear OS. This new operating system (or, slightly rebranded one) allows access to the Google Play store, while Samsung … Read More Here