Friday evening Parisian time (or increda-early morning Australian time), I held another DCR Facebook Live session. A boatload of you joined, and we covered an even greater boatload of topics. Tons and tons of questions, so many questions that I wasn’t able to get through them all!
Of even more interest to folks than all the tech question is that The Girl jumped in too, around the 35 minute marker, for a blend of tech and just general DCR/Family/Bakery/Kid/Anything type questions.
Wait, you wanted more? The Girl (and I) might have announced something there.
Still more? I did a giveaway (Thanks Clever Training)!
Yet more still!?! I gave folks a special discount code. Regrettably for you, it’s already expired.
But no worries, you can still go back and enjoy 78 minutes of goodness. There’s very little that requires actual viewing, so you can stick it on in the background and just listen. I’ll also dump it into the DCR Podcast feed in the next day or so, thus you can listen there too.
Here ya go, just tap play and check things out, and you can also scroll through all the questions below:
With that – thanks for joining in! We’ve definitely got to do these more often!
(Tech tidbits: In case you were wondering, I used my Mevo camera for this again, and actually even the internal mics. I had wired up some lav mics, but the sound was almost a wash when I did some quick tests, and this reduced the chances of things going south. Also of note is that Facebook is frustratingly still limited to 720p for streams, despite announcing last week 4K for 360* videos. C’mon, at least go to 1080p! YouTube supports 4K @ 60FPS for regular streams!)
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you’d be wise to invest in a better mic.
It’s hard to hear.
Weird, I didn’t see any other comments about the audio (I’ve tested playback on three phones and three laptops – all seem fine-ish). There’s a bit of a echo, mostly due to the cave’s walls – but even with a mic setup I get a slight echo there too.
I had mics setup, but one thing I learned last year with doing these is that when things go wrong with wireless mics, it becomes incredibly difficult mid-livestream to figure it out. As for wired mics, I don’t have a board to pull in multiple wired mics (whereas my wireless mics can), so kinda stuck there.
Hate to say but I agree about the sound quality…maybe I have shit speakers on my iMac! Good show apart from that and congrats. You’re both going to be busy!
Says the Facebook dcr podcast link has expired
Hmm, which link? Both seem active and available to me?
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Could be US or non app versions?
Weird. I wish I had some logical explanation. Or even an illogical one. I’ll be honest, I’m stumped. I’m seeing view-count increase over the course of the day, so it must still be available.
If you were to search within facebook for DC Rainmaker, and then scroll down my feed a few items, do you see it there?
Works now… Odd!
Facebook ist so yesterday! You should better Use Instagram.
Perhaps for some and for certain things, but not for me. A couple reasons why:
A) My Facebook followers are roughly 75,000 people. My Instagram is a mere 21,000 followers.
B) With Facebook I can link back to that broadcast like this, so people can watch afterwards. Whereas as Instagram Live stories disappear after 24 hours.
C) To my knowledge, I can’t tweet a link ton Instagram Live session to watch on a laptop/desktop/etc. There’s some Chrome extensions, but that’s for a fraction of a fraction of people.
But ultimately, it’s about being where people are. There’s a lot of good scenarios for Instagram Live – like what Cycling Maven was doing during the tour with little snippets behind the scenes. But ultimately his finished pieces end up on YouTube.
As for why not using YouTube, again, it’s sorta a numbers game in most cases. My YouTube audience is half my Facebook followers.