March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. MaartenVD

    No ride this weekend, but a 15k trail run, chasing some elevation gain.

  2. David H.

    I cycled to the Cambridge half marathon, ran it and then did the “slightly harder” cycle back home again :)

  3. Jeff Richard

    This weekend I crushed my FTP Test!! +11 watts

  4. Blaise Barbeau

    Rode on my new Tacx Flux because it was minus 20 degree Celsius here in Canada. It was fun tough :-) Thanks for this great giveaway :-)

  5. Ed Starback

    Biked to the park with the kids.

  6. Rich Groves

    Sunday preparation ride for the 170km Paris Roubaix sportive in April. 130km planned, 120km completed; The Highlight; the 3 of us shivering around a Costa Coffee machine on a Shell service station forecourt after approx. 90km. If there were phone reception a partner would have definitely been called to pick us up

  7. Nicos loucaides

    A ride on my new orbea ordu on the courSe of my upcoming tri race

  8. Xavier K

    Plans are to ride some gravel and drink beer with teammates!

  9. No cycling this past weekend, I ran a half-marathon and then slept about 24 hours straight afterward :)

  10. Last weekend I rode 198km with 3700m of elevation gain in total.

  11. Jim Nordin

    3.5 hr ride on the Wahoo using TrainerRoad

  12. Sudharshan

    Rode around the Lansing Rivertrail (11 miles). Awesome weather in Lansing, MI (Feels like 19 deg with Windchill !) !!

  13. Mike Kuklik

    2 loops in Central Park… it was really cold

  14. I rode 30 miles on the albany marathon bike course at about 6mph for 5 hours +

  15. Zachary Bulacan

    Sadly working. I did take apart a wheel so I can rebuild the hub to a better rim does that count?

  16. Rob Evans

    I rode for 2 hours on my rollers in my basement.

  17. Abby

    First Tri of the year in sunny La Quinta, California. Trying out new power numbers as a result of a field test the week prior!

  18. JP

    Trained by chasing pre-schoolers at a birthday party. High TSS, but poor structure. Hopefully this week will be more structure.

  19. SK

    Cold ride from Manhattan to New Jersey.

  20. Alwyn Sulman


    hopped on the bike on Saturday for a quick 25 mile spin, ran off the bike for another 5 miles… Fiddled around with bike position on Sunday, hopped on and found I fiddled to much with my cleats which made me look like donkey. Got off the bike and decided it was time for a movie and a nap. Toddler veto’d those plans and ended up having a tea party instead.

    Power meter would’ve showed my weakness, lol.

  21. Ken

    Another (boring) ride on the trainer… next year a smart trainer and Zwift.

  22. Adam Uribe

    First crit of the season!

  23. Miguel G

    this weekend: rain outside and trainer indoors…

  24. Tim

    Dallas Senior Games cycling events

    5k and 10k time trials, 20k and 40k road races.

  25. Shawn Benbow

    No cycling this weekend :( – Instead, I had to keep telling my three year old we couldn’t go for a bike ride because it was snowing 10cm and way too cold!

  26. Patrick Smith

    I was in Colorado skiing, so I didn’t get any riding in this weekend. And with the weather, it looks like it may be trainer rides this week :-/

  27. Dave Graf

    I am entering for the stages power meter giveaway. I biked on the Wahoo Kickr with Zwift indoors this weekend. Would love to try a Stages Power Meter!

  28. Thomas Rozwadowski

    Worked this weekend, so my weekend riding was confined to late night Zwift.

  29. Fabian

    I biked to work and back and around the neighborhoods but the weather’s been very nice here in Miami and I would like to get out more before the sun cranks the heat up!

  30. Mitch Duggins

    Crushing highways down here in Phoenix getting ready for this year’s Tri season.

  31. Cristina Gama

    lazy weekend just cooking :)

  32. Drew

    Just converted my bike over to Di2, so I braved the soggy springtime Texas weather to give it a few hours of shakedown.

    I’m not saying that electronic shifting is the greatest thing since clipless pedals, but… it’s the greatest thing since clipless pedals. Or at least definitely the greatest thing since indexed shifting, or the move from downtube shifters to brifters. 10 years from now kids will be talking about “how did you ride with cable actuated shifters” like kids today are completely clueless as to what slotted cleats and toe straps are.

    Ok, I may be exaggerating a little bit. Anyone who’s been forced into learning how to track stand at stoplights because they had slotted cleats and their straps too tight knows how great the invention of clipless pedals was… but damn electronics are nice.

  33. Evrhet Milam

    Ran way too cool 50k on Saturday so I did a little zwift on Sunday

  34. The cycling was great, first day I got flat after 5k … anyway the rest of training session was ok – just about 30k as the time shortened during repair.
    The other day I rather left bike home and got for running while taking 5years old cyclist (my son) with me for 17k trail trip.
    So far, great weekend. :)

  35. Christian

    Looked at the shameful amount of dust gathered on my bike. A trick new sports data device would be just the catalyst to get me back out there when spring has sprung.

  36. Duncan

    Laps at Longchamps

  37. Chris Findlay

    Had to forgo my weekend cycling for a trip from UK to Toronto to say goodbye to a friends mother.

    Now fighting jet lag to turn my legs over this evening.

  38. Travis Schlafke

    I cheered for my training buddy who was running the Napa Valley Marathon via bike and got hailed on of all things!

  39. Peter Weir

    65 miles on Saturday and 72 miles on Sunday. Making the most of decent weather.

  40. Mark Johnson

    90 minute sweet spot base ride indoor trainer! Roll on spring/ summer :) #trainer road

  41. Stephen Calvert

    Rode virtually! Warm tropical pixels on the screen, rainy west coast weather out the window.

  42. David Campigotto

    Got my first outdoor ride in this weekend. Up Deer Creek Canyon in the Colorado Rocky Mountain foothills. Great to be back at it.

  43. Kate Eldred

    Spinning on Saturday. Hiding from the rain on Sunday

  44. Thomas S

    10k treadmill run

  45. Erik

    Shoveled some snow off the driveway

  46. I just started cycling last summer, so gradually increasing frequency and duration. Winter made probably its last appearance here in Athens, Ga., with mornings at or below freezing both days, but I kitted up and got out the door. Saturday was a quick spin and a Strava fail; yesterday was a much nicer loop out on country roads. Most interesting part was three miles on dirt that took me past some nasty dogs and then a pine forest so deep I couldn’t see any trace of humanity in any direction. Bliss.

  47. Jarrett Wyatt

    110 miles with a few intervals. Solid weather.

  48. Alec

    exploring rainy california

  49. Nette

    It’s cold, snowy and icy where I live, so we put in a 90 min routine on the Trainer.

  50. Jacquie Gaudet

    We have snow here in the south coast of British Columbia (not common here in March)! So I went skiing both days, lift-serviced on Saturday and alpine touring on Sunday.

  51. Brandon

    In Key West for a bachelor party – managed to squeeze two laps around the island out of my legs before returning to the bar with the guys. Woo!

  52. Darin Eades

    Just a short gravel loop around the house in Kansas. Gotta get ready to do the spring grinders!

  53. Al

    Came home from my honeymoon in paris.

  54. Nick

    This weekend I mostly cycled my daughter around on a tagalong to various clubs. And a bit of turbo training for Ironman 70.3 Edinburgh.

  55. Spent a good chunk of time on the Turbo Trainer, and of course hit up the Toronto Cycling Show.

  56. Aaron

    I chose to drive some great cycling routes in LA. That still counts, right?

  57. Rich Hatton

    Sadly, all riding was curtailed this weekend as I had to go to my mother in law’s funeral. :-(
    RIP Nanny

  58. I rode on my wahoo kickr this weekend–90 min.

  59. Mike Cathey

    I took a windy 50 mile ride (out and back) along the coast of the Florida panhandle this weekend with a friend.

  60. James Maness

    It’s Beer Week in Sacramento, so I did a lot of short tempo rides and stayed well hydrated.

  61. Todd

    Splitting time between NY and FL these days … but somehow ended in NY over the weekend (i.e., 16 degrees Sunday morning), so spin class was as good as it got! Outdoors for sure this week though!

  62. Rodney Johnson

    I just saw this contest today ( Monday 3/6). I have been like a gerbil on my CycleOps 300 Pro trainer all winter. Saturday was really windy but was warm enough for a good ride (45 F). Got out for the 1st time in 2017 and put the hammer down. I did 41+ miles with 1500+ feet of elevation gain and averaged 18.0 MPH…including the 8:11 time to fix a flat :(. Being that we have had record snow this year, part of my weekend included some serious skiing on Friday 3/3 for nearly 5 hours doing 21+ runs on blues and blacks (greens only to get to the lifts). Love working out! Love going HARD CORE and would LOVE a power meter so I can compare my road riding power output to my workouts on my CycleOps 300 Pro and make adjustments to be “faster!”.
    Thanks DC Rainmaker! You’re the BOMB!

  63. Greg duManoir

    20 cm of fresh powder in the morning. Called wife for an afternoon pass. She obliged. Am now doing laundry and washing the floors

  64. John Galani

    I was suppose to re-arrange my tri bike but I did not open the travelling case… next weekend

  65. Adam Kwiecien

    A nice 120 kilometers on Zwift.
    Snow still on the ground here.

  66. Sean P

    It rained here all weekend so I rewatched DC Rainmaker videos on what device I shouldn’t be tempting myself to buy. Those videos are a Great way to rest the legs. Thanks again Ray!

  67. Russ McCoy

    Pedaled both days!!

  68. Allan Carlos

    Good old track mtb 60km ride.

  69. Brian Wood

    68 miles of cold training at 28F/-2C

  70. Susan

    My trainer is broke and it was pouring… so I went to brunch.

  71. Chris

    Sightseeing tour with family around munich, wounderful weather!

  72. Jesse Peragine

    Ill be riding my strider bike, it has better power transfer.

  73. Jeremy Maynard

    I rode on the trainer preparing for the my upcoming races in April.

  74. Brian Jacobson

    Road for a couple hours on Zwift this past weekend. Can’t wait for spring to come to be able to ride outside

  75. Whitney Magers

    Group ride Saturday morning and kid’s soccer practice and game that afternoon.

  76. Anthony Ferraro

    Saturday was a one hour “Hills Day” followed by 60 km group ride on Sunday along the coast.

  77. Tim Hanson Jr.

    My plans are to keep training for Ride the Rockies 2017. Lots of zwift climbing and intervals until it warms up outside

  78. Mark Collins

    Out on bike training for Outlaw Half Holkham

  79. Tom Fancsy

    Saturday I ran 26k in prep for Boston Marathon, thinking about how I’m going to take on Ironman Canada on July 30th… Don’t have a bike trainer at home currently so hoping to ramp up riding as soon as Boston is done.

    Sunday attempted to MTB on some local trails but the mud was horrendous, so opted to trail run instead.

  80. Vincent Christan

    Saturday easy spin and course recce. Sunday Hainault Hilly Sporting TT. First of the season; 29.2 miles of pain.

  81. Roger Hughes

    I had a weekend in Italy drinking wine and eating good food…a weekend off every now and again is good for the soul!

  82. Greg Fox

    Saturday was a long ride on my mtb (4.5 hours over 45KM/~30 miles), then Sunday it was a 30 minute run.

  83. T White

    I chased gremlins in the chainline of my month-old Supersix EVO HiMod Disc Integra Di2.
    Ride, tweek, ride, tweek, almost as sapping as interval training.

  84. Andreas Klitou

    I will be attending a group ride, about 120km with 2300 total elevation through beautiful villages in Cyprus :)

  85. Gustav Lothe

    My KICKR got some abuse this weekend as the snow’s quite heavy outside here still.

  86. Tareance James

    Spin class on Friday and two 3 mile runs Saturday and Sunday ..

  87. patrick mountford

    Hammered a 80K on the trainer in prep for 1/2 Ironman Florida in April!

  88. matt

    20 mile’s to and from a nice round of disc golf, great unseasonable warm weather in kansas.

  89. Philippe Ruh

    social ride to get the season started

  90. Erik Herou

    I live in Sweden so it’s Trainerroad until the end of April :)

  91. Cari C

    I had a good conversation about riding. ?

  92. Sean

    I did a nice long almost 2 hour trainer ride on Sunday. I would love to ride with power!! All the best to everyone, happy riding!!!

  93. Moshe Cattan

    Did a solid long threshold interval on the rollers working on endurance for 140.6 base training… Sunday walked Miami Beach 13.1 and then kept walking another 13.1 miles for a Marathon.

  94. Sam T

    Spent all week enjoying the spring-like weather and looking forward to a nice, easy 40 or so miles on Saturday. Woke up to high winds and 20°, so I went for a run instead. Maybe this weekend…

  95. Chris Omahen

    Getting a pro bike fit and then hitting the Chicago Lakefront path hard.

  96. cc

    Ride to get coffee.

  97. Jonathan Cheung

    Finally rode a reopened trail.

  98. Brian Lemanczyk

    I was going to ride on Zwift, but my wife had the flu. So it was daddy duty for me. Maybe I’ll get on the bike later this week.

  99. Don

    My weekend ride started at 4AM Friday morning, when I woke up early to get in my 3 hour Saturday ride a day early, so that I could watch my son in a rock climbing competition on Saturday.

    Sunday started out with snowboarding with friends in Durango, then the drive back home, and jumping on the trainer at 6pm to knock out my 3 hour Sunday training ride.

    I sort of happily surprised myself that I got both of those rides in. It’s going to be a good race season.

  100. Bailliekova

    Currently not cycling on OB’s orders, which was a shame because it was in the balmy 40’s here in the upper midwest. Instead, I ran a 5k in my slowest time in 10 years, but was proud of the effort at 25 weeks preggo.

    Would love to win a trainer so I can cycle indoors without schlepping to the gym.