A Halloween GoPro Hero5 Giveaway!


It’s that time of year again.  Ahh yes, Halloween you’re thinking.  But nope – that’s not what I’m talking about.  Rather, it’s fall.  And historically, fall has meant the arrival of new GoPro editions.  So for this month’s giveaway (ok, it’s been a few months), I’m giving away a new GoPro Hero5!  Yup, the one just released a few weeks ago.

Which version you ask?  If you want the Hero5 Black, it’s all yours.  Or if you prefer things of cube-like shape.  Then go forth on the Hero5 Session.  Either way, the winner selects their preference.  See – I’m all about giving you choice.  Unless it involves a Karma drone, then you’ve got no choice (or chance) there.  Nobody does.  Maybe next month, there’s always a next month, right?


Don’t worry, entry is easy as always.  Just answer the below question in the comments section and you’re off to the races.  Simple!

To Enter: What’s on the docket this weekend from an athletic/training standpoint?

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Guadalupe, Ghana, or Georgia – all are OK by me!

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products with the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through October 31st, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on whether your answer is cooler than another. Unless your answer truly is cool.


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  1. BA

    Repeatedly lifting the TV remote. I might even have to use both arms if frequent changes are necessary.

  2. Esev

    Today a long commute ride home into my weekend and tomorrow a 1st attempt for CP estimation with my new Stryd power-meter foot pod.

  3. Frank

    This weekend will have two swim sessions, a run and one Trainerroad session. Recovery while watching F1!

  4. Francois C.

    Run 50km around Mt Kinabalu, Malaysia

  5. Emma

    Some sort of long ride, probably on the trainer since the forecast looks like crap. A low effort weekend here, really, since I’m not training for anything right now.

  6. Peter

    Strength training on Saturday and a relaxing run on Sunday…

  7. Daniel

    I’ll be starting a sub 40minute 10k plan. Wish me luck :-D!

  8. Kevin

    Some easy runs both days.

  9. fab

    Nothing ! i’m recovering from the Festival des templiers (63km, 3000m D+) !

  10. Rich Hill

    I’m off for an easy ride on Saturday morning and the London Six Day in the afternoon! Can’t wait!

  11. Coedy

    A long awaited trip to the Caribbean with some runs along the beach and some swimming in the ocean.

  12. thomas pedersen

    Zwifting unless sun peeks out.

  13. A 40k MTB session in the rain and near zero temperatures (it’s getting cold in Sweden) with some buddies.

  14. alex pond

    indoor rowing and bike rollers

  15. Ben

    Perhaps a pool swim with the kids. Pretty hardcore.

  16. Ale

    I plan to go to the seeside and have lot of cycling and OWS

  17. P

    Mountainbiking in the woods, getting my overdue sweat going!

  18. zlayo

    bushido + trainerroad 🙂 sweet spot base build, mid volume 🙂

  19. João Carreira

    Bunch ride on Saturday. On Sunday it should be a recovery ride but that usually ends up being another bunch ride (sometimes full gas), so no recovery this weekend 🙂

  20. Kyle

    I plan on doing about 15 miles over the weekend running

  21. Micke Sandberg

    Hopefully some gravel riding with my CX-BIKE.

  22. Chris

    Running and a not been on a bike for months ride!

  23. Ritchie Robertson

    A 13 mile long run on the seawall in Galveston while watching the cruise ships arrive in the morning.

  24. Kioseus Znook

    No running for me at the moment due to injury, but I’ll be heading out tomorrow afternoon or Sunday morning weather willing for a quick 30 miler on the bike 🙂

  25. Alexey

    Running and swimming

  26. John B

    A little Zwifting Saturday morning and maybe a long ride sunday!

  27. Javi Pérez

    10km run and two rides of 60-90km

  28. Michel B

    2 hours of tennis on Saturday!

  29. Rich D.

    A quick morning ride on Saturday – then dropping my bike off for TriBike Transport to IMFL !!

  30. Bruno Collier

    I’m building up, so a 1h LSD run and a 2h LSD cycling is what needs to be completed.

  31. Norman Bungay

    I’d be happy with any workout this weekend. Recovering from a knee injury and busy with obligations and fall chores, I haven’t done a single workout in about four weeks. The weekend is my oyster! Seriously, just going to get back on the bike, on the trainer, for an hour. No plan. Just hit it.

  32. Matt

    Putting in the miles with Zwift. Still in post marathon recovery phase so cycling is easy on the legs.

  33. Simon

    One or two trainer sessions on Zwift and some core workout.

  34. LIsa

    Short run with my son and indoor rock climbing with my daughter on Saturday. Long run on Sunday with my husband. Keeping our fingers crossed that it doesn’t snow!!

  35. David Telford

    Swim tonight.
    Cycle hoping Limits PM works tomorrow

  36. Theo-Marien van Rossum

    I will be on my last 3 hour cycling trip of 2016, before going all indoors.

  37. JapanRunner

    25k run either tomorrow or Sunday preparing for my upcoming marathons

  38. Mike Hayes

    Turbo session and a no-wetsuit open water swim (brrr!)

  39. M

    It’s Marine Corps Marathon weekend!

  40. Victor Mateos

    Ride + Run. In a loop…

  41. Max

    Track intervals, 10X 400 meters.

  42. Paul Mitton

    Long slow run for half marathon training

  43. Imre

    Eating of course! 😉 Getting back to shape after a nasty illness, so just a short run.

  44. Alan Rhea

    Try to get a couple of rides in around work

  45. Luis

    Hoping to get in a ride on the gravel bike.

  46. Charles Schwartz

    Running in the cold! Plan on running both days

  47. Saturday: 2h of easy biking.
    Sunday: the traditionnal long run!

  48. Michael Fiola

    Mountain biking

  49. Rob B

    Walking around the zoo with my six year old, probably dressed like a Care Bear. I’m not sure yet though, she hasn’t decided.

    Probably a run too, although I probably won’t be dressed like a Care Bear for that.

  50. John Kissane

    Two hikes & hopefully a 5k parkrun.

  51. Mihai Tintea


  52. Nick Nichol

    strength sessions at the gym both days & a ride with the wife Sunday PM (hopefully with new Garmin 520s which are due to arrive today … purchased based on Ray’s recommendation!)

  53. Christoph

    Mountainbike tour with the RRN

  54. Torben Nørgaard Madsen

    Easy Run sunday is. It Will be The last Run in My restitution week…

  55. Vincent Coupat

    3 races in 2 days.

  56. Michael LeCher

    A nice trail run tomorrow in unseasonably warm (but nice!) weather. I’ll be meeting my yearly goal this weekend – 2 months ahead of schedule!

  57. Javier caballero

    No Training this weekend i have a crossfit competition 🙂

  58. Yonah

    Hopefully a run – and my son’s Ninja Warrior Birthday Party. (Hopefully I’ll get to play and not just lift cake and juice boxes 🙂 )

  59. Jochen Ismer

    Running on Saturday, roadbike on Sunday

  60. mcmatt

    Getting back on a Trainerroad plan for the winter.

  61. Edwin V

    I have a 10K Running race tomorrow, aiming for a PR! Then Sunday morning a MTB ride!

  62. Ed

    a recovery run on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

  63. Colin Caskie

    Just built up the new winter bike, so lots of miles as a prolonged disc brake wear-in session are planned.

    Not convinced discs are better yet, but I guess it’s the future….

  64. Bart

    On Saturday a swim and a (long) run on Sunday.

  65. Chris Misker

    Ill be doing a ride tomorrow morning, around 70km. Weather will be great, so I’m looking forward to it!

  66. Paul

    Easy training run, as I raced last weekend

  67. Olli

    Cycling, hopefully it won’t rain all weekend.

  68. Robert C

    Some trail running followed by some calculus judo.

  69. Laszló

    Just an easy 1-1.5 hr running.

  70. Charles Z.

    Interval training on Saturday. Long run in Sunday.

  71. Daniel

    Going a parkrun 🙂

  72. Tony Emmeborn

    Going for a run in the forest, just enjoying the autumn.

  73. Markus

    Walks in the forest.

  74. Karol J Czyzo

    Starting up running again after having a baby, I’m sure you can relate ☺️

  75. Hristiyan Dimitrov

    A 20k running event. Hopefully also some Zwift.

  76. Milessio

    Photographing the Salisbury Halloween 5km parkrun on Sunday & a 8.5mi trail run on Sunday.

  77. Robert Fogle

    An easy run with a jogging stroller

  78. Stéphane

    Hard to decide between ride and run, but why not both after all, under this beautiful october sun, on the Geneva countryside.

  79. Jens Elsner

    There´s the Frankfurt marathon in Frankfurt / Main, Germany.

    Seems the conditions are fantastic :o)

    Greetings to the world

  80. Erik

    Sweetspots on the trainer tonight, then a Long hike in the norwegian woods tomorrow. Top it off with a nice, long gravelride on sunday 🙂

  81. Mathieu

    Last long training before the marathon of Terschelling: Berenloop

  82. Ben Sales

    Week 3 of base training for IM 2017. 90 minutes of TrainerRoad one Saturday, swim and run on Sunday.

  83. Ciprian Strejac

    Visiting Malta and search for some nice running paths

  84. Rene van der A

    Not much time this weekend. Enough for some HIIT training though.

  85. Derek Chan

    Some Halloween night mtb trail riding. That will be.. interesting.

  86. Sergio Dantas

    Tapering for my first NYC Marathon… So something between 6-10 miles… And maybe some scuba diving to relax!

  87. Arend

    Cyclocross race on Sunday. There will be mud!

  88. Dave

    Recovering from my cold and then run run run!

  89. Constant

    Just a few intervals to remain in shape.

  90. john

    Run, Swim, Spin and possibly cycle if the wind dies down..

  91. I’m in Thailand so hopefully finding a place to run without getting hit by a car.

  92. Victor

    Racing saturday!

  93. Rhys Stewart

    Some much needed R&R after 3 solid months of training for 70.3 West Australia…then a Sunday afternoon brick session.

  94. Chris

    Back to back CX races

  95. Ian Marchant

    Suspect it will be parkrun followed by taking the oldest for a ride on her bike, trying to teach the youngest to ride without training wheels and then a late night 10K training run on Sunday night 🙂

  96. Adam

    Some light 10K around the city as part of coming back to training after a muddy mountain 51K trail run at the beginning of the month. Plus, continuing the #22pushups commitment.

  97. Dimitris Apostolou

    Usual run up my local mountain.

  98. Sean

    Saddle time on Zwift.