March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Florian K

    took the stevens for the first ride of the year, 60 more or less slow kilometers

  2. Wei

    Rained the weekend. Did a virtual 30km Yosemite Ca ride on Tacx trainer.

  3. Andrew Gunn

    The snow in Vancouver ruined my plans – again! Only managed a commute to work and back.

  4. Juan Carlos Olaya

    I actually did some Power Cycle on the Stages SC3 bike on Saturday followed by a mountain bike ride on Sunday.
    All in Delaware and the Brandywine Valley!
    Cold weekend!!! Brrrr

  5. Sheryl Romeo

    Started the DCTRI OLY training plan yesterday. Biked on the London course today for 45 easy minutes per plan.

  6. Stephen B

    Gravel grind in the National Forest.

  7. H.D.J.

    This weekend involved walking around a mall with our two little ones on Saturday and Sunday morning going for a nice run-walk-ru… err… mostly just walking to finish up 12+ miles after a very long extended break from no exercise.

    Winning this might give me the motivation to get back on the bike sooner before my first tri of the year in a couple weeks.

  8. jd bilodeau

    This weekend I looked at my bike a couple of times, resolved to go ride Monday. Which I did manage to do.

  9. Roy Atkinson

    50k group cycle in Ireland. Pissed rain and got soaked. Happy days.

  10. Joel Broadfoot

    170km Newcrest Orange Challenge just completed and this weekend Back Yamme State Forest 40km MTB

  11. Colin Caughran

    Ran a half marathon. The bike has to wait

  12. Cherryl Ellison

    I got in a couple of runs, but I didn’t get out on the bike.

  13. Ryan Bertrand

    Still wintery in Canada so a couple of indoor zwift sessions!

  14. Patrick

    Went cycling around Centennial Park in Sydney, in pouring rain.

  15. Michael Tee

    Trainer road. So please let me win the power meter

  16. I have a new baby so I just rode Zwift all weekend as I am training to ride my first 100 mile mountain bike race. Having a power meter would truly help me big time!

  17. Tammy

    I completed a 1 hour endurance spin class on Saturday And a 3 hour spin class on Sunday . completed the classes on a stages bike. Best bikes !!!

  18. Arno

    I dreamed of cycling while cross country skiing this weekend.

  19. Joan Post

    I went skiing instead of cycling this weekend. But can’t wait to cycle in the spring!

  20. Rob Hancock

    47 mile ride on Capital Trail Richmond VA

  21. Luke Bates

    3 hours in the pouring rain starting at 6:30am (still dark) with the temperature staying about 4 Celsius throughout. It would have been a nice loop around East Lothian in Scotland if I could have seen through the fog…

  22. Mehul Ved

    Did a leisure ride with cycling community to attend a meetup where speakers spoke about a bicycle sharing program for commuters and on the inspiration behind bringing BRMs to India, 6 years ago.

  23. Neil Dyble

    FRIDAY: Watt Bike session with my club. I didn’t throw up. SATURDAY: 10 mile time trial event. I didn’t finish last. SUNDAY: 30 mile MTB ride with a friend. He didn’t get left behind.

  24. Matt Priddle

    First outdoor ride of the year to a cycling cafe. Supposed easy ride, took a short cut, got ‘lost’ and eventually made it. Riding buddy bonked on the way home, but that’s the toughest ride of the year done… its get easier from now on.

  25. Scott

    A ride to the coast for fish and chips

  26. Jeffrey J. Early

    On Saturday I did the Mussels in the Kettles “poker ride” with friends and family on Whidbey Island as part of the Mussel Festival. On Sunday I raced the Budu MTB race at Fort Ebey. It was supposed to be three laps, but fortunately they cut it short at 2—I took 1h 50min as it was.

  27. J Pataky

    No biking yet……waiting on my LBS to put her together. But I did a fine run on Sunday with a Club-Mate.

  28. Colin Yeates

    Did my first ever Zwift race instead of a club spin in the cold and rain.

  29. Vaishali Ranganathan

    35 miles on Saturday and 4 hours of powder skiing on Sunday!

  30. Kyle Burress

    Rode to and from the garage to get the car repaired…-2 centigrade!

  31. Kendal Dodge

    Trainer rides over the weekend

  32. LeAnn

    I took my cyclocross bike out on a nice 20 mile gravel ride. Great first outside ride of the year (the snow is almost gone).

  33. Alan

    Fattire ride Saturday hour an half or so then gravel road ride Sunday 2 plus hours!

  34. This past weekend: 48 mi at the local bike shop group compu-ride. Sunday: 37 at home on the trainer.

  35. Jeremy Gill

    My first 10mile TT – 2 Up with my 12 year old son. 27.57 in rain and heavy winds.

  36. Anthony Harper

    Soggy ride on the TT bike followed by an even soggier dog walk. Spring in the UK!

  37. Joe DeBlasio

    I am cycling with George Hincapie, Lance Armstrong and Christian Vande Velde in South Carolina at Hotel Domestique.

  38. Grant

    It was raining in Houston, Tx, so I did a 5 hour ride on my brand new Kickr snap which arrived from Clever training on Friday.

  39. Michael Moore

    2 hours on the turbo. Weather was pretty awful.

  40. Hamish barker

    New zealand National paragliding competition! No time for cycling that weekend. :-)

  41. Adithya Ravishankara

    I raced in the Sunday Morning KISS race on Zwift and also got a good 110km on saturday morning on Zwift. It’s a tad too cold to go out at the moment

  42. Michael Thayer

    200 mile ride training plan week 5 of 12… 80 on Saturday, only 25 on Sunday.

  43. Juan Vela

    My wife and I went for a relaxing ride with a couple of friends

  44. Tim G

    Some easy spinning Sunday afternoon following a marathon race the day before.

  45. Rich Chamberlain

    I spent the entire weekend reading DC Rainmakers power meter reviews so I was best informed to consider which power meter to purchase in case I don’t win….today! Oh and I cleaned my bike ready to ride with my new power meter. :)

  46. Craig Enders

    Nothing too exciting this past weekend here in the Bay Area of northern California. In between working, rain and hail I put in about 55 miles. Nothing too crazy but at least kept the legs loose.

  47. Eric Ringer

    Just stuck inside spinning this weekend. Too much cold rain in Portland for much else. I’m getting cabin fever though and want to get on the roads again soon!

  48. Steve Lyons

    Stuck in trainer mode.

  49. Karl Bird

    None, but I thought about it!

  50. Mark W Danford

    Didn’t get to ride this weekend as we had a wind and snow mixed with rain storm come through Olympia. The local bike community of Thurston County start’s their mileage tracking in March. A cold start this year.

  51. Patrice Brunelle

    A small 50km on Zwift… I promise to do better next weekend ;)

  52. Héctor

    I had a 135 km ride on saturday and a 90km ride + 10km run transition training on sunday. Tough weekend on my way to my first Ironman

  53. Rich

    I looked out of the window and ended up flogging myself on the turbo again. I have become old and, apparently, water soluble!

  54. Alberto Arenas

    This weekend was raining so it was a virtual ride using Tacx…

  55. Megan Stebbins

    Two hour trainer ride on Saturday! I got SO BORED that I plugged into Zwift for the last 30 minutes and did a workout.

  56. Brigg Thorp

    Nothing special. 10 miles on the trainer with fake (virtual) power and TrainerRoad. Would really like a real power meter. :-)

  57. Steve Su

    65 miles up SaMo mountains with 5K climbing on Saturday.
    Watched people bike on Sunday while drinking coffee, does that count?

  58. Emerson

    132km around the beautiful island of Bintan. If only I had spent more time training it wouldn’t have been so painful.

  59. Scott Cavendish

    Ran a 5k and rode 15 miles

  60. Erich

    On the trainer and treadmill until it warms up a bit (no cold weather clothing)

  61. Marty

    Big kickr ride on Saturday

  62. If my 6 month old isn’t too fussy…. maybe I’ll get a ride in around Griffith Park, CA.

  63. Bill B

    53 miles on Zwift

  64. John LaFalce

    I rode the trainer on friday bc it was cold after work and I had a class saturday and sunday was long run day.

  65. Jeff

    No cycling this weekend, but I ran 13.2 miles on Saturday and 5.2 miles on Sunday.

  66. Steve Plumb

    Rode in the snow this weekend desperately trying to get some training miles in for Spring series races (which have all been cancelled so far). Managed 60km before losing my nerve. I don’t have a trainer so outside is the only option for me.

  67. John Shelton

    Kickr interval training for an hour on rainy Saturday. 50 mile hit out with a few friends, coffee afterward, home by 9am on Sunday.

  68. JB

    Sadly I didn’t get to ride this weekend as my bike is in the shop for repairs. So I did the next best thing and caught up reading the DCRainmaker site and shopped for new shoes.

  69. Roxanne Williams

    I relaxed with the kids this weekend while my husband went for “quiet time” on his trainer.

  70. biked 60kms to meet my wife for a breakfast date in town only to find out there were no open cafes and the closed cafes were not allowing bikes inside. Sad and angry about the state and culture of cycling in Mumbai, India, we gave no hoots and finally ended up eating street food. Was one of the best marriage dates till now :)

  71. Andrew Tait

    Was cold and snowy in the north of Canada, rode the trainer while catching up on some TV.

  72. Ian Williams

    I suffered on my Kickr as part of my training program for 2 upcoming Ironman events.

  73. Greg Sullivan

    Two hour TrainerRoad session on Saturday. Would be sweet to win this; my quarq cinquo just died.

  74. Jaymeth Maddox

    I took a rest weekend! Went to a ramen cooking class with wine/cheese, instead of riding.

  75. Christina Mitchell

    Nice long run for me, no bike!

  76. Caroline Guest

    Cycling up Monchique in Portugal – trying to kick start getting in shape for racing

  77. Jeff

    “Raced” the local Shamrock Run – took a shortcut to the beer tent – drank more Guinness than I can remember to celebrate!

  78. Laura Lawson

    I trained indoors both Saturday and Sunday. Still too cold here in upstate NY to ride outside. My gym has spin bikes with Stages power meters. They are amazing and I’d love to have the same on my road bike.

  79. Jeremy L

    I did a Saturday HIIT ride on Zwift and made the podium! It was fun.

  80. Melissa Newberry

    Zwift in the ? and ?

  81. Ed Swakon

    Stay inside. It’s still raining.

  82. peter

    Set up the Wahoo Kickr after moving. Haven’t been on it in too many months. 2 rides to show me how horribly out of bike shape I am.

  83. Tim L

    quality trainer time

  84. Nick burton

    A few hours of North Shore mountain biking, without snow for a change.

  85. I raced an epic grasshopper adventure ride. In the rain. Took a wrong turn. Got lost. Then cut off 15 miles of the course and won. Cause that’s how I roll.


    quads are burning his morning from trainer sesh

  87. Cory Meza

    Rode a race simulation on the trainer on Saturday and went outside for a 57 mile ride on Sunday!

  88. Blake Gentner

    Mixed a little road and mountain trying to beat the random hail storms that were hitting.

  89. I rode a brisk 25 miles around the Ft Benning training area followed by a short transition run. So nice to be stationed back in the south…at least until the heat hits!!!

  90. Dustin Romero

    Left the bike at home and went skiing this weekend!

  91. Laura

    Nothing, in bed sick. Make me happier with a win.

  92. John Phoebus

    No cycling this weekend, but we ran the Tim Kennard Ten Mile River Run in Salisbury MD to officially kick off the race season!

  93. Sean Lally

    Unfortunately just a single ride on the trainer. Had actually planned to go out for around 5000′ of climbing. Ah well!

  94. Brian Hudson

    Only 30 minutes on the trainer – the rest of the time spent working and writing papers!

  95. Jordan B


    My cycling plans usually include me taking in the scenery, and pushing myself a little more each time I ride. I started cycling in order to lose weight (I’ve lost a little over 220 lbs so far), and I find the best route to hold myself accountable is through data. So despite my enjoying a leisurely ride, the real fun is with taking the data I gathered, and making myself a better version of what I once was. Owning a power meter would be the best tool, since it’ll provide the best all around data in helping me become a better cyclist.

    In other words… I really super duper really wanna win. *PICK ME PLEASE*

  96. Craig Herrington

    Went for a long run. Felt like crap, stopped by work to pick up my bike I had left there Friday when I ran home. Bike saved me again.

  97. Cornell

    I’m not a climber, but I climb slot. This weekend, up mt. Baldy

  98. Dan Salmons

    Rode 25 miles on the trainer as it was 15 degrees here in New York

  99. Ellen McDonell

    2 hour indoor spin on Sunday…it was -12 degrees in Ottawa.

  100. Brad

    I’m planning to ride for 180km long distance this Sat for ironman training.