DC Rainmaker

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Hey everyone, and happy Fri-YAY!

Well well, welcome to yet another edition of the DC Rainmaker newsletter. Today (in most of Europe) we are having a bridge day. Meaning yesterday was a country-wide holiday and today workers are like ghosts. Those who are lucky enough to have the time off will “bridge” today with personal leave and create a long long weekend! Woohoo. But what about me? Nope. Back to work for me today. Though, to be honest, I did just casually take Wednesday and Thursday to pop over to Bruges with one of my besties for our semi-annual momma escape. More on that of course below the fold.

So, on to the main event, and what most of you come around for anyways. The tech stuff! First of all, I’d like to say a big ol’ thanks to you guys who spent some money during the semi-annual VIP sale. It’s like you’re shopping “local” when clicking on the links from Ray’s site.

While the main sale is over now, Ray did just mention to me that there are still a few deals to be had. The Garmin Instinct just went on sale with a $50 discount, and the Fenix 5 Plus series is still going strong with their $150 discount. So if that’s of any interest, you know what to do!

Annnnnnd now, I must admit. I’m falling asleep at this damn desk all afternoon. I literally just turned around to Ray and told him this was the absolute most boring week of posts I’ve seen in years! OMGAWWWWWD! If it wasn’t for poor ol’ Wahoo banging their hands against the wall again this week, I’d literally have nothing to say other than yadda yadda yadda, go check out the link yourself.


So I’m going to save us all a little brain power this week and do a quick list.

1)    Ray reviews an app that is basically the original of where Strava got all of their ideas from for the Finger Dragging Route Feature.

2)    There’s the Week in Review, weekly post. This DOES have a video link to a guy named Danny MacAskill and his version of as a mountain biker how to best babysit for friends. It’s epic. I actually cackled and snort laughed through out!

3)    Also, the 5 Random Things weekly post. Ray shows off his latest testing methods using an electronic turn table. However commenter The Real Bob stole the show with his idea for buying an electric train set for the kiddos and attaching the test devices to that! #Winner

4)    Next… Garmin Live Event Sharing. OMG snore!! Now certain Garmin units allow you to send out automated texts to whomever regarding your pace and ETA’s… 

5)    Final Surge becomes first platform to enable Polar .FIT File integration”… did you hear that thud? It was my head landing on the desk as I fell asleep mid-sentence.

6)    And then finally. Wahoo. Man, these guys can’t catch a break. “Wahoo Halts ROAM Bike GPS Shipments”. This issue brings me back to my high school days of studying physics: levers, loads, and fulcrums. I’ll wait until July when the shipping is supposed to re-commence to make any further comments, jokes, puns, or apologies. Until then, by palm will be stuck to forehead.

7)    Lucky number seven! Meaning I don’t yet have a link for you. Ray is sitting behind my typing incredibly loudly. And all I know is it’s something regarding our friends are Zwift-a-Roo! Post coming “in an hour or two” [Update: Here]. Given it's an entire post about a legal terms of service document, I expect this to be the most boring out of all of them.

And that’s it for the tech talk in text. BOOM! We got through that together just in time for happy hour! AKA, just in time for you to keep scrolling and see all the food and beer that was consumed over the last 48 hours in Bruges, Belgium!  

Moving on, if you love fabulous world of Audio-Visual, this section is for you!

The FIT File with DC Rainmaker and GPLama:

The FIT File chats between Ray and Shane have become ever increasingly popular! So, be sure to check out what those two are getting on with on your next drive, train, lunch break, wherever it is you listen from. You can find the latest episodes of the podcast on a variety of platforms, iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify. As always, don’t forget to hit those subscribe buttons for updates!


As always, Ray is cranking out some entertainment on the “You Tubes” as we say in the Maker house. Of course if you just subscribed to the DC Rainmaker YouTube channel you would know already what’s the latest and greatest video!

·         Suunto 5: Hands-On details

·         DJI OSMO Action Review Stabilization FAILS: What went wrong with so many reviews

·         Garmin’s New Live Event Sharing: An Explainer, User Guide, and Test

image Wahoo Halts ROAM Bike GPS Shipments
image Final Surge Becomes First Platform To Enable Polar .FIT File Integration
image Garmin Live Event Sharing: Everything you ever wanted to know about it
image 5 Random Things I Did This Weekend
image Week in Review–May 26th, 2019

In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl

Hey there! Thanks for making down here for a quick recap of what I’ve been up to over the last two days!

See, my bestie from Paris and I try to have a mom escape for a day or two at least a few times a year. No kids allowed. No elaborate plans. No travel too complicated. It is, of course, part of our mama’s mental health maintenance plan. And I can’t tell you how important it is!

Her being Paris based and me Amsterdam, we have some good halfway point options via train, even plane. Last year we hit up Vienna, and Brussels, and this being our first escape of 2019, we snuck off to the little town of Bruges.

If you don’t know about Bruges, that’s a shame! It’s a really “idyllic” town about 45-50 minutes by commuter train from Brussels. It can be a great one day get away option, or I’d say you could stretch out a good 4-5 day trip based out of Bruges while checking out the surrounding country side towns, Ypres, Passchendaele, Ghent, and so many more. It’s a beautiful area, truly.  


We did not have the luxury of 4-5 days. So we both made off for our respective train lines early Wednesday morning, met in Brussels and hopped the commuter train together into Bruges. Checking into our hotel room well before noon. It was super simple. We stayed at the Hotel Portinari, and yes I would recommend it again.


Now what do two young moms do without kiddos or hubbies to answer to for 48 hours? Walked, talked, shopped, talked more, coffees, apéro, kept walking, rented bikes, more coffee, over slept, more coffee, brunch, chocolate shopped, more apéro, and kept on walking.

It was delightful. Planning to have no plans at all, and yet knowing during the two days we would without a doubt go on a few adventures and find ourselves caught up in some shenanigans.


In the end, we did discover my new all time favorite chocolate shop. Sadly, bumping the chocolate shop my dad and I discovered in Avignon, France from it’s pedestal. This chocolate shop had some of the most unique and insanely delicious pairings of flavors, along with very very fresh chocolates. Clearly made in house, and not sitting around for long!

As well, the trip entailed last minute reservations to a local restaurant offering the local specialty “Flemish Stew” with frites. Along with both lunch meals of Belgium mussels. I could not have left the town with a more pleasantly stuffed belly and sore soles of the feet. Thank you friend for a wonderful two days!

As for the rest of you! Thanks for reading, I hope to see you around these parts for next week, as we have more travel plans ahead! Stay tuned!

~The Girl

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