DC Rainmaker

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What- What Wednesday!!!

Hi everyone, and welcome back to another week’s edition of the DCR Newsletter. If you didn’t pick up on the little extra pep in my step from the “what-what” (you have to say it like a DJ spinning his records, and do the hand movements…this newsletter really needs sound effects), then you need to hop on board and get yourself a(nother) coffee! Why am I so peppy? Who knows. The sun is shining, I’m 12 weeks straight on the newsletter publishing, and I’m going to go test ride a new road bike today! Life is good… on with the show!

Last week we saw an uptick in Newsletter subscriptions, as well Ray solved a bizarre problem for some readers who had subscribed and never ever received any emails (in years)?!?!?! So welcome to all of the newbies this week, and if you’re feeling a little out of the loop you can catch up here with all of the Newsletter archives. Otherwise, lets do this thing!

Since the last time we chatted, Ray has been typing up a storm about the up and coming aerodynamic gadgets and doodads. It seems this year at Eurobike there was a steady stream of new products and conversations revolving around the standardization of areo testing and getting triathletes in their best position. What Ray didn’t expect was for me to read the entire post, rather than skim it, and no you cannot buy a new TT bike, you already have a very nice Cervélo that you don’t ride. Next.

Last week Ray even posted a video specifically focused on the AeroLab Cycling Sensor, check that out if you missed it.

Next up on the chopping block is the Suunto 9 In-Depth Review. Ray has been toying with this watch since around May. You might remember he did a comparison open water swim with the device vs the Fenix 5 Plus. Not to mention the most recent video the Suunto 9 Menu/UI Walk Through video. While I am typing this newsletter Ray is putting the finishing touches on that In-Depth Review, so to be honest I haven’t read it yet. However, in my interrogation of the gadget king over this morning’s coffee regarding the Suunto 9, he didn’t throw up a ton of praise. I can’t say there was any hate thrown at the product either, but maybe its best summed up as a “meh”. See for yourself in the IDR that's listed below.

Not only am I on a roll with my newsletters lately, but Ray has also been knocking out the Week in Review AND 5 Random Things posts on the regular.  

Now if you’re following me on Instagram, then you might have already had an idea of what the biggest event of the weekend was! Did you know it was Ray’s birthday? And that means party time! We had a big shindig for him, a bunch of friends, about 10 kiddos under 3 feet tall, BBQ, and of course birthday cake!

I had a lot of messages wondering where I got these candles! Of course the answer is always Amazon. The Brand is called NPW, and I found their birthday candle line “Who’s Counting Candles”. There were some other more “explicit” options, but since there were so many kiddos there and some new friends, I didn’t want to shock too many guests!

For the rest of the weekend shenanigans you’ll have to read the post yourself. If you want more on the scoop of the Maker household, you know where to scroll!

image Suunto 9 Multisport GPS In-Depth Review
image 5 Random Things I Did This Weekend
image Week in Review: July 29th, 2018
image Eurobike Aero Roundup: Notio, AeroLab, AeroPod, Swiss Side and other tidbits!
image Quick Tour: The 2018 DCR Eurobike RV

In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl

Hey there. Thanks for sticking with me and scrolling down to find out what’s new in the Maker Family. Since you asked, the latest heated conversation in our household revolves around a Pizza oven that Ray wants. The Uuni Pizza oven to be exact. Initially I just shook my head and said NO. Like, absolutely no. But then Ray went and got all sad about it, similar to the “I never get anything” pouty 7 year old who was told “no” in the toy store sad.

Now I wasn’t going to post anything about this family situation, but since Ray started it, I figure you should get to hear my side. As in his latest blog post he made the inaccurate statement, and I quote, “the pizza oven must follow a very different purchase approval system. Namely, The Girl’s system. A system for which there is no defined process normally. It exists purely in the abstract, thus to allow the rules to be changed at any point in time…But this time I must have done something right as I instead got back an approval contract. Albeit one with contingencies.”


First of all, 99% of the time it does not matter if I say no, the wanted item magically shows up within the week via some mail currier system anyways, Example below.

Second of all, WHAT “approval system that exists purely in the abstract?” No, it doesn’t exist in the abstract, it simply doesn’t exist at all. My answer most of the time is no, and you go buy it anyways. Instead he should be saying how I’m normally onboard or at least “tolerant” of his Amazon spending, but this time I am making him work for it. Because that would be a true statement.

Anyways, he did make one accurate statement, in that he received an approval contract. After all, I don’t want to be made out as a person who is against owning a wood fired pizza oven. So, I made for Ray a list of SOME of things around the house that he has already said he would do for, ummm, well, since we moved in! And since all of the things that I have asked for in the past have been ignored, why should he get to ask for a pizza oven and just receive it easy-peasy?

So, once Ray does said things, like unpack his own bedroom night stand moving box, and tighten the faucet on the kitchen sink, then he can have his pizza oven. For the record, not a single item on that list has been completed. So we will see just how motived he is for pizza.

Anyone want to start a betting pool? Thanks for reading!

~The Girl.

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