DC Rainmaker

Something look funny? Read this newsletter online!


Hello again!

This is The Girl writing to you for the DCR weekly newsletter. I’m officially very proud of myself for making it two weeks in a row, so it’s looking good that this will be a continual thing! Woohoo. So if you missed last week you can catch up on what’s happening HERE. And if you read last week, and you actually came back for more… I’m flattered, so thank you!

On with the show!

In case you didn't know, Ray wrote a post or two last week, and they are all listed for you below. He also managed to take some more videos (still not those kind of videos...) and you can check them out HERE on YouTube. Personally I found them both pretty boring, so instead, if you’re at work and trying to kill some time, you can check out this “Children’s Fail Compilation”, when you get to the pixie flying into the fire place or the titanic music, please insert my laughing cackle into your imagination!

If you still have time left after clicking on all of those links, and you want to know more about the Maker Family, keep on scrolling down for some "The Girl" humor. Over the years some of Ray's readers have sent various emails my way asking questions about me, the gear I use, or actually asking girl-esq-sport questions. So I decided to make a section dedicated to things I'm currently interested in, most likely non-tech items... because that's Ray's job! 

image 5 Random Things I Did This Weekend

A full week home in the city of light…and rain.  Here’s what I was up to over the weekend! 1) More trainers have arrived! This week I had both the…

image Week in Review–Nov 20th, 2016

The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I…

image Fitbit Charge 2 Activity Tracker In-Depth Review

It’s been a bit over two months since Fitbit announced their latest wearables, the Fitbit Charge 2 and the Fitbit Flex 2 (they also announced some Blaze updates and Alta…

image GoPro adds data overlays to the Hero5: Here’s how it (sorta) works

Today GoPro rolled out their data overlay capability to the GoPro Quik desktop suite.  This allows folks with the GoPro Hero5 Black camera, which contains GPS, to add in metrics…

image Hands-on: Zwift and their upcoming running mode

Over the last few months Zwift has been occasionally teasing their ambitions around expanding the cycling focused platform to other interests.  One of those being running.  They’ve tweeted out various…

In Depth Thoughts from ‘The Girl’

Welcome to my section of the newsletter. My hope is to use this space to bring you some insight on what's happening in the Maker household. Last week I didn’t have a lot to say in this space because I was dealing with an overactive baby and a Blue Screen of Death computer problem. While the computer is still working on giving me a brain aneurysm, I found an incredible fix for the baby problem! If you follow me on Instagram you will already be in the know, but this baby jumper has single handedly allowed me to get the newsletter done this week, and a household’s worth of laundry! AMAZING! Ray will actually have some clean underwear for his trip this week!

So, coming up on the docket for me in the near future is a new page for Ray’s blog, “Baby Gear”. In the past I usually write a Gear I Use Post for Ray, as something for you to peruse and see what I’m using during training. This post has apparently entertained people in the past because they discover I have a small dislike for technology, and are surprised to realize that I sometimes pick out running watches due to their color and size! I can’t tell you the number of emails I received when the swim focused readers saw that my favorite watch for the pool was in fact this freestyle shark watch, with zero technologies for recording and downloading workouts.

Anyways, since the whole baby thing came about, and I sadly haven’t been cleared to run yet (maybe this week), anything I post this year would just be a copy paste from last year, and that’s boring. Instead, a surprising number of readers have shown interest in what baby tech gear have we’re using, or just baby stuff in general that we are using around the house, I’m going to put together some sort of baby landing page. Ask and you shall receive! In the meantime, I am always happy to hear what baby gear, tips, or tricks you use and approve of! I am certainly not a baby expert the way Ray is with technology, so I can use all the help I can get! My newsletter email will always be listed below, if you have something good for me!

In the meantime, since Ray is out of the country, I figured I should take a journey down the stairs of the DCR Cave and give you guys an insider’s look at the ungodly mess what Ray has in store for you soon!

And yes, that stack of trainers is taller than me.

See you next week.

 ~The Girl

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